My Natural Hair Story-TAG

Hola chicas! Its been over 15 months since I've started my natural hair journey. woot woot! I came across the "Newly Natural TAG" by shekia renea a couple of months ago & I finally sat down to film this video. If you are on a natural hair journey & would like to join in, please feel free to answer the questions below, whether in a video response or comment, I'd be more than happy to hear your story! Hope you enjoy :)
Tag Questions!:
Here are the questions:
1. Why did u decide to go natural & when did u BC?
2. Where you afraid of how people would react
3. What was the hardest part about having a TWA?
4. How long did it take your hair to get to a comfy style length?
5. Would you say that your decision to BC helped transform you inside as well as out?
6. What advice would you give to someone thinking about doing their BC?
